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We help you with SCI Indexed Journals in Computer Science for 2025 by making sure your manuscript is top-notch in language, structure, and presentation. We present your paper with a clear abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Our writers will include figures and tables to make your paper clear and look professional

.Here are the main points that we  consider when aiming to publish in SCI indexed journals in computer science:

  1. Research Quality and Originality
  2. Relevance to the Journal’s Scope
  3. Rigorous Methodology
  4. Clear and Concise Writing
  5. Comprehensive Literature Review
  6. Significant Results and Implications
  7. Adherence to Journal Guidelines
  8. Ethical Considerations
  9. Peer Review Process
  10. Persistence and Resilience

As we write your paper by following the above rules you success rate will also be higher.

Journals in Natural Language Processing:

  1. Computational Linguistics
  2. Journal of Natural Language Engineering
  3. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory
  4. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL)
  5. Language Resources and Evaluation
  6. Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) – sections pertaining to NLP
  7. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing
  8. Artificial Intelligence Journal – sections related to NLP
  9. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) – NLP sections
  10. International Journal of Semantic Computing

Conferences on Natural Language Processing:

  1. Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
  2. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
  3. North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL)
  4. International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING)
  5. European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL)
  6. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) – relevant for deep learning in NLP
  7. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) – relevant sessions
  8. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) – NLP tracks
  9. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence – NLP sessions
  10. International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)

SCI Indexed Computer Science Journals

SCI Indexed Computer Science Journals are listed below here you can enquire us If you’re looking for names of journals, conferences, or specific topics within NLP, we have provided a brief overview of each to ensure complete coverage:


S.no Journal Title ISSN Subjects
1. APPLIED ONTOLOGY 1570-5838 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
2. APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING 1568-4946 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
3. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 0004-3702 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
4. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND LAW 0924-8463 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
5. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE 0933-3657 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
6. COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS 0891-2017 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
7. COMPUTER SPEECH AND LANGUAGE 0885-2308 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
8. COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING 1077-3142 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
9. COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS 1335-9150 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
10. CONNECTION SCIENCE 0954-0091 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
11. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING 1949-3045 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
12. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COGNITIVE AND DEVELOPMENTAL SYSTEMS 2379-8920 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
13. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS 2168-2267 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
15. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION 1089-778X Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
16. INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION AND SOFT COMPUTING 1079-8587 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
17. INTELLIGENT DATA ANALYSIS 1088-467X Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
18. INTERNATIONAL ARAB JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1683-3198 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
20. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING 0888-613X Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
21. JOURNAL OF AUTOMATED REASONING 0168-7433 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
22. JOURNAL OF CHEMOMETRICS 0886-9383 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
23. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEMS SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL 1064-2307 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
25. JOURNAL OF HEURISTICS 1381-1231 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
26. JOURNAL ON MULTIMODAL USER INTERFACES 1783-7677 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
27. KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS 0219-1377 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
28. KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS 0950-7051 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
29. KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING REVIEW 0269-8889 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
30. MACHINE LEARNING 0885-6125 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
31. APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING 1568-4946 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
32. ARCHIVES OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING 1134-3060 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
33. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND LAW 0924-8463 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
34. ASTRONOMY AND COMPUTING 2213-1337 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
35. BIG DATA 2167-6461 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
36. EARTH SCIENCE INFORMATICS 1865-0473 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
37. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS 1567-4223 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
38. ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS 0264-4401 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
39. ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS 0177-0667 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
40. ENTERTAINMENT COMPUTING 1875-9521 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
41. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULATION 0094-9655 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
42. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL SOFTWARE 1548-7660 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
43. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATION 1067-5027 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
44. JOURNAL OF VISUALIZATION 1343-8875 Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
45. LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION 1574-020X Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications
46. FRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE 2095-2228 Computer Science, Software Engineering
48. FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE 0169-2968 Computer Science, Software Engineering
49. GRAPHICAL MODELS 1524-0703 Computer Science, Software Engineering
50. IBM JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 0018-8646 Computer Science, Software Engineering
51. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DATA WAREHOUSING AND MINING 1548-3924 Computer Science, Software Engineering
52. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE 1086-4415 Computer Science, Software Engineering
53. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY 1615-5262 Computer Science, Software Engineering
56. SIAM JOURNAL ON IMAGING SCIENCES 1936-4954 Computer Science, Software Engineering
57. SIGMOD RECORD 0163-5808 Computer Science, Software Engineering
58. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY 1569-190X Computer Science, Software Engineering
60. SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS MODELING 1619-1366 Computer Science, Software Engineering
61. CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS 0169-7439 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
62. COGNITIVE COMPUTATION 1866-9956 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
63. COGNITIVE SYSTEMS RESEARCH 2214-4366 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
64. COMPLEX & INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS 2199-4536 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
65. COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE 0824-7935 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
66. FRONTIERS IN NEUROROBOTICS 1662-5218 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
67. FUZZY OPTIMIZATION AND DECISION MAKING 1568-4539 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
68. GENETIC PROGRAMMING AND EVOLVABLE MACHINES 1389-2576 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
69. IEEE COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE MAGAZINE 1556-603X Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
70. IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS 1541-1672 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
71. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIO-INSPIRED COMPUTATION 1758-0366 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
73. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER VISION 0920-5691 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
74. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUZZY SYSTEMS 1562-2479 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
76. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON SEMANTIC WEB AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1552-6283 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
77. JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND HUMANIZED COMPUTING 1868-5137 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
78. JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND SMART ENVIRONMENTS 1876-1364 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
79. JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SOFT COMPUTING RESEARCH 2083-2567 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
80. JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH 1076-9757 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
81. NEUROCOMPUTING 0925-2312 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
82. PATTERN ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 1433-7541 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
83. PATTERN RECOGNITION 0031-3203 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
84. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS 0167-8655 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
85. PEERJ COMPUTER SCIENCE 2376-5992 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
86. Information Processing and Management 3064573 Computer Science Applications
87. International Journal of Technology Management 2675730 Computer Science Applications
88. Xitong Gongcheng Lilun yu Shijian/System Engineering Theory and Practice 10006788 Computer Science Applications
89. Machine Vision and Applications 9328092 Computer Science Applications
90. RAIRO – Operations Research 3990559 Computer Science Applications
91. Multibody System Dynamics 13845640 Computer Science Applications
92. Information Technology for Development 2681102 Computer Science Applications
93. Proceedings of the IEEE VLSI Test Symposium   Computer Science Applications
94. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 9555986 Computer Science Applications
95. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 15674223 Computer Science Applications
96. Robotica 2635747 Computer Science Applications
97. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 9218890 Computer Science Applications
98. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 7365845 Computer Science Applications
99. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 11343060 Computer Science Applications
100. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 10939687 Computer Science Applications
101. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering 10964290 Computer Science Applications
102. Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 16871472 Computer Science Applications
103. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 10836101 Computer Science Applications
104. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 15249050 Computer Science Applications
105. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2712091 Computer Science Applications
106. International Journal of Services, Technology and Management 14606720 Computer Science Applications
107. Journal of High Technology Management Research 10478310 Computer Science Applications
108. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 10919392 Computer Science Applications
109. Scientific Programming 10589244 Computer Science Applications
110. CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures 2541971 Computer Science Applications
111. Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University 10000054 Computer Science Applications
112. Logos (Netherlands) 9579656 Computer Science Applications
113. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 10493301 Computer Science Applications
114. Algorithmica 1784617 Computer Science Applications
115. Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening 13862073 Computer Science Applications
116. Computers and Chemical Engineering 981354 Computer Science Applications
117. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 0920654X Computer Science Applications
118. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 2196336 Computer Science Applications
119. Match 3406253 Computer Science Applications
120. Neurocomputing 9252312 Computer Science Applications
121. Dianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systems 10001026 Computer Science Applications
122. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 15986446 Computer Science Applications
123. Journal Europeen des Systemes Automatises 12696935 Computer Science Applications
124. Informatica (Slovenia) 3505596 Computer Science Applications
125. Information and Computation 8905401 Computer Science Applications
126. Kinetics and Catalysis 231584 Computer Science Applications
127. Language Learning and Technology 10943501 Computer Science Applications
128. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 10636692 Computer Science Applications
129. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 10848045 Computer Science Applications
130. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems 2196867 Computer Science Applications
131. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 2197200 Computer Science Applications
132. ISA Transactions 190578 Computer Science Applications
133. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research 0424267X Computer Science Applications
134. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 1681699 Computer Science Applications
135. IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON 21593442 Computer Science Applications
136. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 15523098 Computer Science Applications
137. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 10623701 Computer Science Applications
138. IETE Journal of Research 3772063 Computer Science Applications
139. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 15499596 Computer Science Applications
140. Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations 15392937 Computer Science Applications
141. COMPUTER JOURNAL 0010-4620 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
142. COMPUTER NETWORKS 1389-1286 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
143. COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 0045-7906 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
144. COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES 0920-5489 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
145. COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 0267-6192 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
146. JOURNAL OF THE ACM 0004-5411 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
147. MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROSYSTEMS 0141-9331 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
148. MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS 1383-469X Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
149. NETWORKS 0028-3045 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
150. NEW GENERATION COMPUTING 0288-3635 Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
151. IET IMAGE PROCESSING 1751-9659 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
152. IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING 0262-8856 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
153. INFORMATION FUSION 1566-2535 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
154. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CONTROL 1392-124X Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
155. INTEGRATED COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING 1069-2509 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
156. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 15309827 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
157. Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions Of the ASME 10500472 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
158. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 8956111 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
159. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 10933263 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
160. ACM Transactions on Graphics 7300301 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
161. International Journal of Computer Games Technology 16877047 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
162. CoDesign 15710882 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
163. International Journal of Architectural Computing 14780771 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
164. Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds 1757191X Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
165. Mathematics and Visualization 16123786 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
166. Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 16871472 Computer Networks and Communications
167. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 10836101 Computer Networks and Communications
168. Proceedings – International Symposium on Computers and Communications 15301346 Computer Networks and Communications
169. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 7338716 Computer Networks and Communications
170. IEICE Transactions on Communications 9168516 Computer Networks and Communications
171. Computer Law and Security Review 2673649 Computer Networks and Communications
172. IEEE Security and Privacy 15407993 Computer Networks and Communications
173. Journal of Computer Security 0926227X Computer Networks and Communications
174. Photonic Network Communications 1387974X Computer Networks and Communications
175. Journal of King Saud University, Engineering Sciences 10183639 Computer Networks and Communications
176. Proceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing   Computer Networks and Communications
177. IEEE Intelligent Systems 15411672 Computer Networks and Communications
178. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security   Computer Networks and Communications
179. Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations 15392937 Computer Networks and Communications
180. Networks and Spatial Economics 1566113X Computer Networks and Communications
181. Security and Communication Networks 19390114 Computer Networks and Communications
182. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 19391374 Computer Networks and Communications
183. Journal of Web Engineering 15409589 Computer Networks and Communications
184. Advances in Mathematics of Communications 19305346 Computer Networks and Communications
185. International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services 17516048 Computer Networks and Communications
186. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology 20564880 Computer Networks and Communications
187. Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering 20959184 Computer Networks and Communications
188. Future Internet   Computer Networks and Communications
189. Web Intelligence 24056456 Computer Networks and Communications
190. Information and Computer Security 20564961 Computer Networks and Communications
191. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems   Computer Networks and Communications
192. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance   Computer Networks and Communications
193. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal   Computer Networks and Communications
194. Telfor Journal 18213251 Computer Networks and Communications
195. Animal Biotelemetry   Computer Networks and Communications
196. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications 1941627X Computer Networks and Communications
197. SCIRES-IT   Computer Networks and Communications
198. Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies   Computer Networks and Communications
199. International Journal of Semantic Computing 1793351X Computer Networks and Communications
200. Journal of Control and Decision 23307706 Computer Networks and Communications


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