List Of Scopus Indexed Journals in Computer Science on various sectors are carried out by us, if you are looking for best guidance then reach us out, we share with you key steps that boosts up for a fast publication. Here are some key notes that we share to consider throughout the publication process:
- Identify a Significant Problem
- Conduct Thorough Literature Review
- Choose the Right Methodology
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- Write Clearly and Concisely
- Select the Appropriate Journal or Conference
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Top 30 Scopus Indexed Computer Science Journals
Here’s a list of reputable journals that publish research related to pattern analysis and machine intelligence:
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI)
- Pattern Recognition
- International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)
- Machine Learning
- Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
- Artificial Intelligence
- Neural Networks
- Computer Vision and Image Understanding
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
- Pattern Recognition Letters
- Image and Vision Computing
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)
- Knowledge and Information Systems
- AI Magazine
- Neural Computing and Applications
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
- IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems
- Information Sciences
- Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR, conference proceedings, but highly influential in the field)
- International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML, conference proceedings, also highly regarded)
- Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS, conference proceedings, very influential)
- ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD)
- ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST)
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)
- International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT)
- Expert Systems with Applications
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
On all these journals we cover a broad range of topics within pattern analysis and machine intelligence, including but not limited to algorithm development, theoretical insights, practical applications, and interdisciplinary approaches.
List Of Scopus Indexed Journals in Computer Science
List Of Scopus Indexed Journals in Computer Science here our Researchers are field with immense knowledge to select the most appropriate journal for your work based on the specific focus and scope of their research. | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data | 15564681 | Computer Science |
2. | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems | 2158656X | Computer Science |
3. | ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software | 00983500 | Computer Science |
4. | ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation | 10493301 | Computer Science |
5. | ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems | 23763639 | Computer Science |
6. | International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications | 02181959 | Computer Science |
7. | International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications | 14690268 | Computer Science |
8. | International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control | 09748571 | Computer Science |
9. | International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems | 18756891 | Computer Science |
10. | International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering | 20476841 | Computer Science |
11. | International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems | 17578779 | Computer Science |
12. | International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection | 18745482 | Computer Science |
13. | International Journal of Crowd Science | 23987294 | Computer Science |
14. | International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management | 19479247 | Computer Science |
15. | International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism | 19473435 | Computer Science |
16. | International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications | 1751648X | Computer Science |
17. | International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control | 13494198 | Computer Science |
18. | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | 22783075 | Computer Science |
19. | International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics | 1756378X | Computer Science |
20. | International Journal of Intelligent Computing in Medical Sciences and Image Processing | 1931308X | Computer Science |
21. | International Journal of Manufacturing Research | 17500591 | Computer Science |
22. | International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management | 13682148 | Computer Science |
23. | International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences | 24557749 | Computer Science |
24. | International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science | 18140424 | Computer Science |
25. | International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation | 19980159 | Computer Science |
26. | IPSJ Online Transactions | 18826660 | Computer Science |
27. | IPSJ Transactions on Bioinformatics | 18826679 | Computer Science |
28. | IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications | 18826695 | Computer Science |
29. | IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology | 18826687 | Computer Science |
30. | Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | 16820053 | Computer Science |
31. | JALA – Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation | 15355535 | Computer Science |
32. | JALT CALL Journal | 18324215 | Computer Science |
33. | Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science | 25208764 | Computer Science |
34. | JASSS | 14607425 | Computer Science |
35. | Jiaotong Yunshu Xitong Gongcheng Yu Xinxi/ Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology | 10096744 | Computer Science |
36. | Journal of Applied Biomedicine | 1214021X | Computer Science |
37. | Journal of Applied Data Sciences | 27236471 | Computer Science |
38. | Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science | 27156087 | Computer Science |
39. | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics | 27341194 | Computer Science |
40. | Journal of Artificial Intelligence | 19945450 | Computer Science |
41. | Journal of Educational Data Mining | 21572100 | Computer Science |
42. | Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences | 1013090X | Computer Science |
43. | Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia | 10558896 | Computer Science |
44. | Journal of E-Government | 15424049 | Computer Science |
45. | Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society | 18266223 | Computer Science |
46. | Journal of Energy in Southern Africa | 1021447X | Computer Science |
47. | Journal of Engineering (United Kingdom) | 23144904 | Computer Science |
48. | Journal of Engineering and Technology for Industrial Applications | 24470228 | Computer Science |
49. | Journal of Engineering, Computing and Architecture | 19347197 | Computer Science |
50. | Journal of Enterprise Information Management | 17410398 | Computer Science |
51. | Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 21925372 | Computer Science |
52. | Journal of innovation in health informatics | 20584555 | Computer Science |
53. | Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems | 19765622 | Computer Science |
54. | Journal of Instruction-Level Parallelism | 19429525 | Computer Science |
55. | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems | 10641246 | Computer Science |
56. | Journal of Language Modelling | 2299856X | Computer Science |
57. | Journal of Learning Analytics | 19297750 | Computer Science |
58. | Journal of Location Based Services | 17489725 | Computer Science |
59. | Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming | 15678326 | Computer Science |
60. | Journal of Logic and Computation | 0955792X | Computer Science |
61. | Journal of Multiscale Modelling | 17569737 | Computer Science |
62. | Journal of Music, Technology and Education | 17527066 | Computer Science |
63. | Journal of Nanjing Medical University | 10074376 | Computer Science |
64. | Journal of Network and Computer Applications | 10848045 | Computer Science |
65. | Journal of Network and Systems Management | 10647570 | Computer Science |
66. | Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology | 1443458X | Computer Science |
67. | Journal of Research on Computing in Education | 08886504 | Computer Science |
68. | Journal of Research on Technology in Education | 15391523 | Computer Science |
69. | Journal of Responsible Technology | 26666596 | Computer Science |
70. | Journal of Robotics | 16879600 | Computer Science |
71. | Journal of Service Research | 10946705 | Computer Science |
72. | Journal of Signal Processing Systems | 19398018 | Computer Science |
73. | Journal of Simulation | 17477778 | Computer Science |
74. | Journal of Social Computing | 26885255 | Computer Science |
75. | Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering | 25882872 | Computer Science |
76. | Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering | 10043756 | Computer Science |
77. | Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching | 1949260X | Computer Science |
78. | Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science | 23665963 | Computer Science |
79. | Journal of Technology in Counseling | 15276228 | Computer Science |
80. | Journal of Technology in Human Services | 15228835 | Computer Science |
81. | Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society | 01046500 | Computer Science |
82. | Journal of The Communications Network | 14774739 | Computer Science |
83. | Journal of the Franklin Institute | 00160032 | Computer Science |
84. | Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan | 02859831 | Computer Science |
85. | Journal of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals | 17559278 | Computer Science |
86. | Logos (Netherlands) | 09579656 | Computer Science |
87. | Lujun Gongcheng Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Army Engineering University of PLA | 20970730 | Computer Science |
88. | Machine Graphics and Vision | 12300535 | Computer Science |
89. | Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition | 09230459 | Computer Science |
90. | Machine Intelligence Research | 2731538X | Computer Science |
91. | Machines | 20751702 | Computer Science |
92. | Malaysian Journal of Computer Science | 01279084 | Computer Science |
93. | Management Information Systems | 14706326 | Computer Science |
94. | Manufacturing Computer Solutions | 13581066 | Computer Science |
95. | Manufacturing Engineer | 09569944 | Computer Science |
96. | Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing | 09236082 | Computer Science |
97. | Multimedia Systems | 09424962 | Computer Science |
98. | Multimedia Tools and Applications | 13807501 | Computer Science |
99. | Multimodal Technologies and Interaction | 24144088 | Computer Science |
100. | Multiscale Modeling and Simulation | 15403459 | Computer Science |
101. | Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies | 24749567 | Computer Science |
102. | Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems | 24761249 | Computer Science |
103. | Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages | 24751421 | Computer Science |
104. | Proceedings of the ASIST Annual Meeting | 15508390 | Computer Science |
105. | Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology | 23739231 | Computer Science |
106. | Progress in Informatics | 13498614 | Computer Science |
107. | PRX Quantum | 26913399 | Computer Science |
108. | PSU Research Review | 23991747 | Computer Science |
109. | Psyche | 1039723X | Computer Science |
110. | Psychoradiology | 26344416 | Computer Science |
111. | Qubahan Academic Journal | 27098206 | Computer Science |
112. | Queue | 15427730 | Computer Science |
113. | Queueing Systems | 02570130 | Computer Science |
114. | Qwerty | 18287344 | Computer Science |
115. | Radioelectronic and Computer Systems | 18144225 | Computer Science |
116. | RSC Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Series | 20413181 | Computer Science |
117. | Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software | 10009825 | Computer Science |
118. | SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility | 26419645 | Computer Science |
119. | SAE International Journal of Connected and Automated Vehicles | 25740741 | Computer Science |
120. | SAE International Journal of Transportation Cybersecurity and Privacy | 25721046 | Computer Science |
121. | Shenzhen Daxue Xuebao (Ligong Ban)/Journal of Shenzhen University Science and Engineering | 10002618 | Computer Science |
122. | Shuju Caiji Yu Chuli/Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing | 10049037 | Computer Science |
123. | SIAM Journal on Computing | 00975397 | Computer Science |
124. | SIAM Journal on Optimization | 10526234 | Computer Science |
125. | SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration | 18849970 | Computer Science |
126. | Social Media and Society | 20563051 | Computer Science |
127. | Social Network Analysis and Mining | 18695450 | Computer Science |
128. | Social Science Computer Review | 08944393 | Computer Science |
129. | Soft Computing | 14327643 | Computer Science |
130. | Soft Robotics | 21695172 | Computer Science |
131. | SpringerBriefs in Computer Science | 21915768 | Computer Science |
132. | SpringerBriefs in Control, Automation and Robotics | 21926786 | Computer Science |
133. | SpringerBriefs in Open and Distance Education | 25094335 | Computer Science |
134. | SpringerBriefs in Speech Technology | 2191737X | Computer Science |
135. | SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering | 23488549 | Computer Science |
136. | Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks | 19354185 | Computer Science |
137. | Synthesis Lectures on Communications | 19321244 | Computer Science |
138. | Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture | 19353235 | Computer Science |
139. | Synthesis Lectures on Computer Graphics and Animation | 19338996 | Computer Science |
140. | Synthesis Lectures on Computer Science | 19321228 | Computer Science |
141. | Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks | 19354185 | Computer Science |
142. | Synthesis Lectures on Communications | 19321244 | Computer Science |
143. | Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture | 19353235 | Computer Science |
144. | Synthesis Lectures on Computer Graphics and Animation | 19338996 | Computer Science |
145. | Synthesis Lectures on Computer Science | 19321228 | Computer Science |
146. | Telfor Journal | 18213251 | Computer Science |
147. | TEM Journal | 22178309 | Computer Science |
148. | Temes de Disseny | 26049155 | Computer Science |
149. | Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice | 13888455 | Computer Science |
150. | Textbooks in Telecommunications Engineering | 25244345 | Computer Science |
151. | Umanistica Digitale | 25328816 | Computer Science |
152. | Understanding Complex Systems | 18600840 | Computer Science |
153. | Uniciencia | 22153470 | Computer Science |
154. | Universal Access in the Information Society | 16155289 | Computer Science |
155. | Unmanned System Technologies | 25233734 | Computer Science |
156. | Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware | 20965796 | Computer Science |
157. | Visual Computer | 01782789 | Computer Science |
158. | Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art | 2096496X | Computer Science |
159. | Visual Informatics | 25432656 | Computer Science |
160. | Visualization in Engineering | 22137459 | Computer Science |
161. | WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies | 17433517 | Computer Science |
162. | WIT Transactions on the Built Environment | 17433509 | Computer Science |
163. | World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues | 13091506 | Computer Science |
164. | World Patent Information | 01722190 | Computer Science |
165. | World Wide Web | 1386145X | Computer Science |
166. | Business Informatics | 2587814X | Computer Science |
167. | Business Systems Research | 18479375 | Computer Science |
168. | Byte | 03605280 | Computer Science |
169. | C/C++ Users Journal | 10752838 | Computer Science |
170. | CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology | 24686557 | Computer Science |
171. | Behavioral Science and Policy | 23794607 | Computer Science |
172. | Behaviour and Information Technology | 0144929X | Computer Science |
173. | Beijing Youdian Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Posts And Telecommunications | 10005145 | Computer Science |
174. | | 22839364 | Computer Science |
175. | Big Data | 21676461 | Computer Science |
176. | Archives of Design Research | 12268046 | Computer Science |
177. | Argument and Computation | 19462166 | Computer Science |
178. | Array | 25900056 | Computer Science |
179. | Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics | 25909770 | Computer Science |
180. | Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming | 24737321 | Computer Science |
181. | Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing | 0278081X | Computer Science |
182. | CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures | 02541971 | Computer Science |
183. | Civil-Comp Proceedings | 17593433 | Computer Science |
184. | CLEI Eletronic Journal (CLEIej) | 07175000 | Computer Science |
185. | Cluster Computing | 13867857 | Computer Science |
186. | Computer Optics | 01342452 | Computer Science |
187. | Computer Physics Communications | 00104655 | Computer Science |
188. | Computer Research and Modeling | 20767633 | Computer Science |
189. | Computer Science | 15082806 | Computer Science |
190. | Computer Science – Research and Development | 18652034 | Computer Science |
191. | Data Science | 24518484 | Computer Science |
192. | Data Science and Engineering | 23641185 | Computer Science |
193. | Data Science and Management | 26667649 | Computer Science |
194. | Data Science Journal | 16831470 | Computer Science |
195. | Data Technologies and Applications | 25149288 | Computer Science |
196. | Electronic Government | 17407494 | Computer Science |
197. | Electronic Journal of Combinatorics | 10778926 | Computer Science |
198. | Electronic Journal of e-Learning | 14794403 | Computer Science |
199. | Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries | 16814835 | Computer Science |
200. | Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management | 14794411 | Computer Science |
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