Best Scopus Indexed Journals for Computer Science are shared here we provide you complete support. We know how editors will carry forward your paper as we stick to proper paper format that attract the readers and boosts up your publication.
For scholars looking to publish in Scopus-indexed journals, the submission process typically involves these key steps, we follow the below steps and write your paper perfectly. We follow a specific formatting and structure requirements for your manuscript, including sections like abstract, introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions:
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Notable Computer Science Journals Indexed in Scopus:
We possess the essential resources for the development and maintenance of software, encompassing methods, tools, and experimental results, to ensure optimal writing on computational theory and practice. We aid you full support on the below listed journal.
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
- ACM Computing Surveys
- Artificial Intelligence
- Journal of the ACM
- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
- Information Sciences
- IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
- Journal of Information Technology
- ACM Transactions on Graphics
- Computer Networks (Elsevier)
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
- Journal of Computer Security
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
- Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM)
Inderscience Computer Science Journals
Here, we present a comprehensive list of the top Inderscience Computer Science Journals in the field of Computer Science. Our team is dedicated to providing you with full support throughout the publication process. We understand the preferences of editors and ensure that your manuscript adheres to the appropriate formatting standards, which enhances its appeal to readers and increases the likelihood of successful publication. Read out the journal title that we have listed here connect with us for any help. | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management | 24684376 | Computer Science |
2. | Journal of Information Systems Management | 07399014 | Computer Science |
3. | Journal of Information Systems Security | 15510123 | Computer Science |
4. | Journal of Information Technology | 02683962 | Computer Science |
5. | Journal of Information Technology and Politics | 19331681 | Computer Science |
6. | Journal of Information Technology Management | 20085893 | Computer Science |
7. | Journal of Information Technology Research | 19387857 | Computer Science |
8. | Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society | 1477996X | Computer Science |
9. | Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations | 15571319 | Computer Science |
10. | Journal of Informetrics | 17511577 | Computer Science |
11. | Ledger | 23795980 | Computer Science |
12. | Leonardo | 0024094X | Computer Science |
13. | Leonardo Music Journal | 09611215 | Computer Science |
14. | Library and Information Science Research | 07408188 | Computer Science |
15. | Library Collections, Acquisition and Technical Services | 14649055 | Computer Science |
16. | Maritime IT and Electronics | 14766027 | Computer Science |
17. | Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology | 18025943 | Computer Science |
18. | Match | 03406253 | Computer Science |
19. | Matematiche | 03733505 | Computer Science |
20. | Materials Discovery | 23529245 | Computer Science |
21. | Mathematics in Industry | 16123956 | Computer Science |
22. | Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems | 09324194 | Computer Science |
23. | Mathematics of Operations Research | 0364765X | Computer Science |
24. | Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing | 08883270 | Computer Science |
25. | Mechanism and Machine Theory | 0094114X | Computer Science |
26. | Moshi Shibie yu Rengong Zhineng/Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence | 10036059 | Computer Science |
27. | Moving Image Review and Art Journal | 20456298 | Computer Science |
28. | mSystems | 23795077 | Computer Science |
29. | Multiagent and Grid Systems | 15741702 | Computer Science |
30. | Multibody System Dynamics | 13845640 | Computer Science |
31. | Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy | 08096724 | Computer Science |
32. | npj Computational Materials | 20573960 | Computer Science |
33. | npj Digital Medicine | 23986352 | Computer Science |
34. | npj Quantum Information | 20566387 | Computer Science |
35. | npj Systems Biology and Applications | 20567189 | Computer Science |
36. | OGAI Journal (Oesterreichische Gesellschaft für Artificial Intelligence) | 02544326 | Computer Science |
37. | Online (Wilton, Connecticut) | 01465422 | Computer Science |
38. | Online Information Review | 14684527 | Computer Science |
39. | Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies | 19863497 | Computer Science |
40. | Online Learning Journal | 24725730 | Computer Science |
41. | Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing | 23356928 | Computer Science |
42. | Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | 19951302 | Computer Science |
43. | Pakistan Journal of Information Management and Libraries | 24097462 | Computer Science |
44. | Paladyn | 20814836 | Computer Science |
45. | Palgrave Studies in Digital Business and Enabling Technologies | 26621282 | Computer Science |
46. | Performance Evaluation Review | 01635999 | Computer Science |
47. | Periodica polytechnica Electrical engineering and computer science | 20645260 | Computer Science |
48. | Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences | 23034521 | Computer Science |
49. | Personal and Ubiquitous Computing | 16174909 | Computer Science |
50. | Personal Engineering and Instrumentation News | 07480016 | Computer Science |
51. | Preservation, Digital Technology and Culture | 21952957 | Computer Science |
52. | Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika | 20710410 | Computer Science |
53. | Problems of Information Transmission | 00329460 | Computer Science |
54. | Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques | 25776193 | Computer Science |
55. | Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction | 25730142 | Computer Science |
56. | Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory | 1569190X | Computer Science |
57. | SiSal Journal | 21853762 | Computer Science |
58. | Sistemi Intelligenti | 11209550 | Computer Science |
59. | Smart Agricultural Technology | 27723755 | Computer Science |
60. | Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems | 25206478 | Computer Science |
61. | Software – Practice and Experience | 00380644 | Computer Science |
62. | Software and Systems Modeling | 16191366 | Computer Science |
63. | Software Engineering Journal | 02686961 | Computer Science |
64. | Software Impacts | 26659638 | Computer Science |
65. | Software Process Improvement and Practice | 10774866 | Computer Science |
66. | Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology | 19416008 | Computer Science |
67. | Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing | 14349922 | Computer Science |
68. | Studies in Informatics and Control | 12201766 | Computer Science |
69. | Studies in Systems, Decision and Control | 21984182 | Computer Science |
70. | Supercomputer | 01687875 | Computer Science |
71. | Technology, Pedagogy and Education | 1475939X | Computer Science |
72. | TechTrends | 87563894 | Computer Science |
73. | Tehnicki Glasnik | 18466168 | Computer Science |
74. | Tekst, Kniga, Knigoizdaniye | 23062061 | Computer Science |
75. | Telcom Report (English Edition) | 03444880 | Computer Science |
76. | Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics | 2307387X | Computer Science |
77. | Transactions of the I.R.E. Professional Group on Electronic Computers | 21681740 | Computer Science |
78. | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Audio | 21682976 | Computer Science |
79. | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Industrial Electronics | 02731959 | Computer Science |
80. | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Vehicular Communications | 21501394 | Computer Science |
81. | VLDB Journal | 10668888 | Computer Science |
82. | VLSI Design | 1065514X | Computer Science |
83. | Wearable Technologies | 26317176 | Computer Science |
84. | Web Intelligence | 24056456 | Computer Science |
85. | Web Intelligence and Agent Systems | 15701263 | Computer Science |
86. | Webology | 1735188X | Computer Science |
87. | Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science | 17590876 | Computer Science |
88. | Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | 19424787 | Computer Science |
89. | Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing | 15308669 | Computer Science |
90. | Wireless Networks | 10220038 | Computer Science |
91. | ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems | 10844309 | Computer Science |
92. | ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation | 21678375 | Computer Science |
93. | ACM Transactions on Graphics | 07300301 | Computer Science |
94. | ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction | 25739522 | Computer Science |
95. | ACM Transactions on Information and System Security | 10949224 | Computer Science |
96. | AI Applications | 10518266 | Computer Science |
97. | AI Communications | 09217126 | Computer Science |
98. | AI Magazine | 07384602 | Computer Science |
99. | AI Open | 26666510 | Computer Science |
100. | Aibi, Revista de Investigacion Administracion e Ingenierias | 2346030X | Computer Science |
101. | Animal Biotelemetry | 20503385 | Computer Science |
102. | Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae | 17875021 | Computer Science |
103. | Annals of Cases on Information Technology | 1537937X | Computer Science |
104. | Annals of Data Science | 21985804 | Computer Science |
105. | Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing | 25160281 | Computer Science |
106. | BMC Bioinformatics | 14712105 | Computer Science |
107. | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making | 14726947 | Computer Science |
108. | BMC Systems Biology | 17520509 | Computer Science |
109. | BMJ Health and Care Informatics | 26321009 | Computer Science |
110. | Body, Space and Technology | 14709120 | Computer Science |
111. | Cognitive Computation and Systems | 25177567 | Computer Science |
112. | Cognitive Processing | 16124782 | Computer Science |
113. | Cognitive Psychology | 00100285 | Computer Science |
114. | Cognitive Robotics | 26672413 | Computer Science |
115. | Cognitive Science | 03640213 | Computer Science |
116. | Communications of the ACM | 00010782 | Computer Science |
117. | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | 15293181 | Computer Science |
118. | COMPEL – The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering | 03321649 | Computer Science |
119. | Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling | 21943206 | Computer Science |
120. | Complex Analysis and Operator Theory | 16618254 | Computer Science |
121. | Computational Visual Media | 20960433 | Computer Science |
122. | Computer | 00189162 | Computer Science |
123. | Computer Aided Chemical Engineering | 15707946 | Computer Science |
124. | Computer Aided Geometric Design | 01678396 | Computer Science |
125. | Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds | 15464261 | Computer Science |
126. | Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization | 21681163 | Computer Science |
127. | Computer Methods in Materials Science | 16418581 | Computer Science |
128. | Computer Modelling and New Technologies | 14075806 | Computer Science |
129. | Computer Music Journal | 01489267 | Computer Science |
130. | Computer Networks | 13891286 | Computer Science |
131. | Computer Technology Review | 02789647 | Computer Science |
132. | Computer Vision and Image Understanding | 10773142 | Computer Science |
133. | Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering | 10939687 | Computer Science |
134. | Computer-Aided Design and Applications | 16864360 | Computer Science |
135. | Computer-Aided Engineering | 07333536 | Computer Science |
136. | Computers in Biology and Medicine | 00104825 | Computer Science |
137. | Computers in Education Journal | 10693769 | Computer Science |
138. | Computers in Entertainment | 15443574 | Computer Science |
139. | Computers in Human Behavior | 07475632 | Computer Science |
140. | Computers in Human Behavior Reports | 24519588 | Computer Science |
141. | Data Base for Advances in Information Systems | 15320936 | Computer Science |
142. | Data Communications | 03636399 | Computer Science |
143. | Data Handling in Science and Technology | 09223487 | Computer Science |
144. | Data Intelligence | 20967004 | Computer Science |
145. | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | 13845810 | Computer Science |
146. | Digital Government: Research and Practice | 26390175 | Computer Science |
147. | Digital Health | 20552076 | Computer Science |
148. | Digital Humanities Quarterly | 19384122 | Computer Science |
149. | Digital Investigation | 17422876 | Computer Science |
150. | Digital Library Perspectives | 20595816 | Computer Science |
151. | EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology | 24117145 | Computer Science |
152. | EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems | 20329407 | Computer Science |
153. | EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing | 25228595 | Computer Science |
154. | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | 17293774 | Computer Science |
155. | ECN Electronic Component News | 15233081 | Computer Science |
156. | EURO Advanced Tutorials on Operational Research | 2364687X | Computer Science |
157. | European Journal of Hybrid Imaging | 25103636 | Computer Science |
158. | European Journal of Information Systems | 0960085X | Computer Science |
159. | European Journal of Operational Research | 03772217 | Computer Science |
160. | European Journal of Scientific Research | 1450202X | Computer Science |
161. | First Monday | 13960466 | Computer Science |
162. | Flow Measurement and Instrumentation | 09555986 | Computer Science |
163. | Forecasting | 25719394 | Computer Science |
164. | Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation | 26662825 | Computer Science |
165. | Formal Aspects of Computing | 09345043 | Computer Science |
166. | Foundations and Trends in Programming Languages | 23251107 | Computer Science |
167. | Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing | 19328346 | Computer Science |
168. | Foundations and Trends in Web Science | 1555077X | Computer Science |
169. | Foundations in Signal Processing, Communications and Networking | 18638538 | Computer Science |
170. | Foundations of Artificial Intelligence | 15746526 | Computer Science |
171. | Grafica | 23397500 | Computer Science |
172. | Graficas | 00172901 | Computer Science |
173. | Granular Computing | 23644966 | Computer Science |
174. | Graphical Models | 15240703 | Computer Science |
175. | Graphical Models and Image Processing | 10773169 | Computer Science |
176. | IEEE Systems Journal | 19328184 | Computer Science |
177. | IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Magazine | 23801298 | Computer Science |
178. | IEEE -Trans on Audio & Electroacoustics | 00189278 | Computer Science |
179. | IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing | 00963518 | Computer Science |
180. | IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing | 19493045 | Computer Science |
181. | IEEE Transactions on Computers | 00189340 | Computer Science |
182. | IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems | 23255870 | Computer Science |
183. | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics | 21682267 | Computer Science |
184. | IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing | 15455971 | Computer Science |
185. | IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers | 03677508 | Computer Science |
186. | IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering | 00985589 | Computer Science |
187. | IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing | 10636676 | Computer Science |
188. | IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing | 23773782 | Computer Science |
189. | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews | 10946977 | Computer Science |
190. | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A:Systems and Humans | 10834427 | Computer Science |
191. | IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica | 23299266 | Computer Science |
192. | IEICE Transactions on Communications | 09168516 | Computer Science |
193. | IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences | 09168508 | Computer Science |
194. | IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems | 09168532 | Computer Science |
195. | IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing | 22875255 | Computer Science |
196. | Intelligent Decision Technologies | 18724981 | Computer Science |
197. | Intelligent Instruments and Computers, Applications in the Laboratory | 08898308 | Computer Science |
198. | Intelligent Medicine | 20969376 | Computer Science |
199. | Intelligent Service Robotics | 18612776 | Computer Science |
200. | Intelligent Systems Reference Library | 18684394 | Computer Science |
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