UGC Care List of Journals in Computer Science are assisted by us where we offer original insights, methodologies, findings, or applications relevant to your field. Here are key points to consider when aiming to publish your paper in UGC CARE-listed journals:
- Understand UGC CARE Requirements
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- Rigorous Methodology
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Top UGC Care Computer Science Journals
Our writers will follow the journal’s formatting rules closely, including how to cite sources, the structure of the manuscript, and how to present figures and tables. So, contact us for more publication help. This list includes journals that we focus on various aspects of solar energy, from materials science and engineering to applications and policy studies:
- Solar Energy
- Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications
- Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
- Renewable Energy
- Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
- Energy Conversion and Management
- Applied Energy
- Energy Policy
- Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
- International Journal of Photoenergy
- Solar RRL (Rapid Research Letters)
- Journal of Solar Energy Engineering
- IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
- Energy for Sustainable Development
- Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
- Energy
- Solar Physics
- Applied Thermal Engineering
- Journal of Cleaner Production
- Energy & Environmental Science
- Journal of Photonics for Energy
- International Journal of Energy Research
- ACS Energy Letters
- Energy Efficiency
- Solar Power & Chemical Energy Systems (SolarPACES)
- International Journal of Sustainable Energy
- Frontiers in Energy Research – Solar Energy
- Energy Reports
- Advances in Solar Energy
- Nature Energy
List of UGC Care Journals in Computer Science
List of UGC Care Journals in Computer Science are shared where we guarantee that your manuscript will be polished, clear, and to the point. It’s important to make sure it is free of grammatical mistakes and follows the submission guidelines set by the journal. Additionally, our team will offer a comprehensive overview of your research methodology, ensuring that your methods are strong, dependable, and suitable for the questions you are exploring. | Journal title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | Connection Science | 9540091 | Human-Computer Interaction |
2. | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | 8848173 | Human-Computer Interaction |
3. | Human-Computer Interaction | 7370024 | Human-Computer Interaction |
4. | Computers and Graphics | 978493 | Human-Computer Interaction |
5. | Displays | 1419382 | Human-Computer Interaction |
6. | Cognition, Technology and Work | 14355558 | Human-Computer Interaction |
7. | Electronic Commerce Research | 13895753 | Human-Computer Interaction |
8. | Journal of Interactive Learning Research | 1093023X | Human-Computer Interaction |
9. | First Monday | Human-Computer Interaction | |
10. | Universal Access in the Information Society | 16155289 | Human-Computer Interaction |
11. | Interaction Studies | 15720373 | Human-Computer Interaction |
12. | Technoetic Arts | 1477965X | Human-Computer Interaction |
13. | Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction | 15513955 | Human-Computer Interaction |
14. | Games and Culture | 15554120 | Human-Computer Interaction |
15. | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series | Human-Computer Interaction | |
16. | International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction | 1942390X | Human-Computer Interaction |
17. | International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction | 22128689 | Human-Computer Interaction |
18. | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems | 21682216 | Human-Computer Interaction |
19. | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics | 21682267 | Human-Computer Interaction |
20. | Australasian Journal of Engineering Education | 13254340 | Human-Computer Interaction |
21. | Journal of Computational Design and Engineering | 22884300 | Human-Computer Interaction |
22. | Human Technology | Human-Computer Interaction | |
23. | Qwerty | 18287344 | Human-Computer Interaction |
24. | Computational Social Networks | Human-Computer Interaction | |
25. | Cognitive Science and Technology | 21953988 | Human-Computer Interaction |
26. | i-com | 1618162X | Human-Computer Interaction |
27. | Informatics | Human-Computer Interaction | |
28. | Educar | 0211819X | Human-Computer Interaction |
29. | Somatechnics | 20440138 | Human-Computer Interaction |
30. | Virtual Creativity | Human-Computer Interaction | |
31. | Informatsionno-Upravliaiushchie Sistemy | 16848853 | Human-Computer Interaction |
32. | Behavioral Science and Policy | 23794607 | Human-Computer Interaction |
33. | Journal of Computer Languages | 26659182 | Human-Computer Interaction |
34. | Visual Informatics | 25432656 | Human-Computer Interaction |
35. | Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction | Human-Computer Interaction | |
36. | ACM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING AND CULTURAL HERITAGE | 1556-4673 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
37. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MODELING AND COMPUTER SIMULATION | 1049-3301 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
38. | ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING SOFTWARE | 0965-9978 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
39. | AI EDAM-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN ANALYSIS AND MANUFACTURING | 0890-0604 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
40. | APPLICABLE ALGEBRA IN ENGINEERING COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTING | 0938-1279 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
41. | COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES | 0098-3004 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
42. | COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE | 0010-4825 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
43. | COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING | 0360-8352 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
44. | COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY | 0166-3615 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
45. | COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH | 0305-0548 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
46. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & DECISION MAKING | 0219-6220 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
47. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | 1989-1660 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
48. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS C | 0129-1831 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
49. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RF AND MICROWAVE COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING | 1096-4290 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
50. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & DECISION MAKING | 0219-6220 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
51. | R JOURNAL | 2073-4859 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
52. | ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER-INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING | 0736-5845 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
53. | SAR AND QSAR IN ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH | 1062-936X | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
54. | SCIENTOMETRICS | 0138-9130 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
55. | SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY | 1569-190X | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
56. | Internet Pragmatics | 25423851 | Computer Networks and Communications |
57. | Journal of Network Intelligence | Computer Networks and Communications | |
58. | Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life | 24059021 | Computer Networks and Communications |
59. | Foundations in Signal Processing, Communications and Networking | 18638538 | Computer Networks and Communications |
60. | Chinese Journal of Network and Information Security | 2096109X | Computer Networks and Communications |
61. | Computer Science Journal of Moldova | 15614042 | Computer Networks and Communications |
62. | Journal of ICT Standardization | 2245800X | Computer Networks and Communications |
63. | Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications | 16135113 | Computer Networks and Communications |
64. | Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services | 1947945X | Computer Networks and Communications |
65. | Multimodal Technologies and Interaction | Computer Networks and Communications | |
66. | Journal of Computer Languages | 26659182 | Computer Networks and Communications |
67. | IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking | Computer Networks and Communications | |
68. | Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems | 25248510 | Computer Networks and Communications |
69. | Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction | Computer Networks and Communications | |
70. | IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications | Computer Networks and Communications | |
71. | International Journal of Applied Cryptography | 17530563 | Computer Networks and Communications |
72. | Groups, Complexity, Cryptology | 18671144 | Computer Networks and Communications |
73. | International Journal of Web Information Systems | 17440084 | Computer Networks and Communications |
74. | Journal of Computer Networks and Communications | 20907141 | Computer Networks and Communications |
75. | Iranian Journal of Science and Technology – Transactions of Electrical Engineering | 22286179 | Computer Networks and Communications |
76. | International Journal of Information and Computer Security | 17441765 | Computer Networks and Communications |
77. | IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology | 18684238 | Computer Networks and Communications |
78. | Cryptography and Communications | 19362447 | Computer Networks and Communications |
79. | Journal of Internet Services and Applications | 18674828 | Computer Networks and Communications |
80. | Mobile Information Systems | 1574017X | Computer Networks and Communications |
81. | Simulation | 375497 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
82. | International Journal of Computers and Applications | 1206212X | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
83. | Medical Image Analysis | 13618415 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
84. | Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering | 10939687 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
85. | CAD Computer Aided Design | 104485 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
86. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER SYSTEMS | 0734-2071 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
88. | ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS OF COMMUNICATIONS | 1930-5346 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
89. | APPLICABLE ALGEBRA IN ENGINEERING COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTING | 0938-1279 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
90. | APPLIED ONTOLOGY | 1570-5838 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
91. | COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM | 0001-0782 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
92. | COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY | 1016-3328 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
93. | COMPUTER JOURNAL | 0010-4620 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
94. | COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE | 0169-2607 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
95. | COMPUTER SCIENCE REVIEW | 1574-0137 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
96. | COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING | 0267-6192 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
97. | COMPUTING | 0010-485X | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
98. | CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE | 1532-0626 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
99. | CONNECTION SCIENCE | 0954-0091 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
100. | CONSTRAINTS | 1383-7133 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
101. | FRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE | 2095-2228 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
103. | FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS | 0165-0114 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
104. | GENETIC PROGRAMMING AND EVOLVABLE MACHINES | 1389-2576 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
105. | HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION | 0737-0024 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
106. | IET COMPUTERS AND DIGITAL TECHNIQUES | 1751-8601 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
107. | IET INFORMATION SECURITY | 1751-8709 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
108. | IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING | 0262-8856 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
109. | INFORMATION AND COMPUTATION | 0890-5401 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
110. | INFORMATION FUSION | 1566-2535 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
111. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY | 1615-5262 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
112. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PARALLEL PROGRAMMING | 0885-7458 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
113. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM INFORMATION | 0219-7499 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
114. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE | 0020-7721 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
115. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UNCONVENTIONAL COMPUTING | 1548-7199 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
116. | JOURNAL OF CRYPTOGRAPHIC ENGINEERING | 2190-8508 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
117. | JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY | 0933-2790 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
118. | JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING | 1570-7873 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
119. | JOURNAL OF HEURISTICS | 1381-1231 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
120. | JOURNAL OF LOGICAL AND ALGEBRAIC METHODS IN PROGRAMMING | 2352-2208 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
121. | JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE | 0164-1212 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
122. | JOURNAL OF THE ACM | 0004-5411 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
123. | JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE | 0948-695X | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
124. | JOURNAL OF WEB ENGINEERING | 1540-9589 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
125. | LOGICAL METHODS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE | 1860-5974 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
126. | MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS | 1380-7501 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
127. | NATURAL COMPUTING | 1567-7818 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
128. | NEW GENERATION COMPUTING | 0288-3635 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
129. | PARALLEL COMPUTING | 0167-8191 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
130. | PEERJ COMPUTER SCIENCE | 2376-5992 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
131. | REAL-TIME SYSTEMS | 0922-6443 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
132. | ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 1453-8245 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
133. | SEMANTIC WEB | 1570-0844 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
134. | SIAM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING | 0097-5397 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
135. | STATISTICS AND COMPUTING | 0960-3174 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
136. | Systems Research and Behavioral Science | 10927026 | Information Systems and Management |
137. | Acta Cybernetica | 0324721X | Information Systems and Management |
138. | Distributed and Parallel Databases | 9268782 | Information Systems and Management |
139. | European Journal of Information Systems | 0960085X | Information Systems and Management |
140. | Information Sciences | 200255 | Information Systems and Management |
141. | Decision Support Systems | 1679236 | Information Systems and Management |
142. | European Journal of Operational Research | 3772217 | Information Systems and Management |
143. | Data and Knowledge Engineering | 0169023X | Information Systems and Management |
144. | Knowledge-Based Systems | 9507051 | Information Systems and Management |
145. | Network Security | 13534858 | Information Systems and Management |
146. | TOP | 11345764 | Information Systems and Management |
147. | International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems | 15481115 | Information Systems and Management |
148. | International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection | 18745482 | Information Systems and Management |
149. | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing | 18651348 | Information Systems and Management |
150. | International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences | 17558077 | Information Systems and Management |
151. | Journal of ICT Research and Applications | 23375787 | Information Systems and Management |
152. | International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences | 17567017 | Information Systems and Management |
153. | Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology | 23301635 | Information Systems and Management |
154. | Big Data Research | 22145796 | Information Systems and Management |
155. | Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation | 21954968 | Information Systems and Management |
156. | International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management | 17509653 | Information Systems and Management |
157. | Journal of Big Data | Information Systems and Management | |
158. | Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance | Information Systems and Management | |
159. | Journal of Management Information and Decision Science | 15247252 | Information Systems and Management |
160. | Information Security and Cryptography | 16197100 | Information Systems and Management |
161. | International Journal of Information Technology Project Management | 19380232 | Information Systems and Management |
162. | International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science | 19478208 | Information Systems and Management |
163. | International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism | 19473435 | Information Systems and Management |
164. | International Journal of Systems Science: Operations and Logistics | 23302674 | Information Systems and Management |
165. | Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research | 15228053 | Information Systems and Management |
166. | International Journal of Supply and Operations Management | 23831359 | Information Systems and Management |
167. | Public Administration and Information Technology | 25121812 | Information Systems and Management |
168. | International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management | 19479247 | Information Systems and Management |
169. | International Journal of Business Intelligence Research | 19473591 | Information Systems and Management |
170. | ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology | Information Systems and Management | |
171. | Big Data and Society | Information Systems and Management | |
172. | Journal of ICT Standardization | 2245800X | Information Systems and Management |
173. | Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services | 1947945X | Information Systems and Management |
174. | Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management | 23108789 | Information Systems and Management |
175. | Journal of System and Management Sciences | 18166075 | Information Systems and Management |
176. | IEEE Transactions on Big Data | Information Systems and Management | |
177. | Systems | Information Systems and Management | |
178. | Fabriksoftware | 25697692 | Information Systems and Management |
179. | Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi | 25030477 | Information Systems and Management |
180. | Engineering Project Organization Journal | 21573727 | Information Systems and Management |
181. | Cognitive Systems Research | 13890417 | Artificial Intelligence |
182. | Cybernetics and Systems | 1969722 | Artificial Intelligence |
183. | Journal of Intelligent Systems | 3341860 | Artificial Intelligence |
184. | Physics of Life Reviews | 15710645 | Artificial Intelligence |
185. | Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences | 2397528 | Artificial Intelligence |
186. | Journal of the ACM | 45411 | Artificial Intelligence |
187. | AI and Society | 9515666 | Artificial Intelligence |
188. | AI Communications | 9217126 | Artificial Intelligence |
189. | AI Magazine | 7384602 | Artificial Intelligence |
190. | Adaptive Behavior | 10597123 | Artificial Intelligence |
191. | Artificial Life | 10645462 | Artificial Intelligence |
192. | Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems | 13872532 | Artificial Intelligence |
193. | Connection Science | 9540091 | Artificial Intelligence |
194. | Constraints | 13837133 | Artificial Intelligence |
195. | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | 9521976 | Artificial Intelligence |
196. | Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications | 9210296 | Artificial Intelligence |
197. | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems | 9259902 | Artificial Intelligence |
198. | Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing | 9565515 | Artificial Intelligence |
199. | Kybernetika | 235954 | Artificial Intelligence |
200. | Knowledge-Based Systems | 9507051 | Artificial Intelligence |
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