Guidance are emphasized by us for all Non-Paid Scopus Indexed Journals in Computer Science we focus on innovative and original research that contributes significantly to the field of computer science. The novelty of your research is crucial for publication in high-ranking journals don’t worry all our work will be novel. We help you in choosing the right journal that aligns with your research topic and scope.
Here are some key notes and tips to consider when aiming to publish in Scopus-indexed computer science journals:
- Research Novelty and Relevance
- Journal Selection
- Follow Author Guidelines
- High-Quality Manuscript
- Rigorous Peer Review Process
- Open Access vs. Subscription-Based
- Cite Relevant and Recent Work
- Impact Factor and Other Metrics
- Be Persistent and Patient
- Avoid Predatory Journals
Top 30 computer science Scopus indexed journals
Here is a list of reputable journals that publish research related to computer vision:
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI)
- International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)
- Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU)
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP)
- Pattern Recognition (PR)
- Image and Vision Computing (IVC)
- Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) – specific issues on computer vision
- Machine Vision and Applications (MVA)
- Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL)
- Computer Graphics Forum (CGF)
- ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)
- IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
- Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR, conference proceedings, highly influential in the field)
- European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV, conference proceedings, highly regarded)
- International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV, conference proceedings, very influential)
- Medical Image Analysis
- IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (J-STSP)
- Sensors — Special Issues on Computer Vision and Sensors
- Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (JVCIR)
- Pattern Analysis and Applications (PAA)
- IEEE Signal Processing Magazine – special issues on computer vision topics
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) – sections related to computer vision
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems – sections on vision for robotics
- Computer-Aided Design (CAD) – for computer vision applications in design
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) – for vision-based robotics research
- ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) – special issues on vision
- The Visual Computer
- Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (JRTIP)
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (CSVT)
List of Non-Paid Scopus Indexed Journals in Computer Science
List of Non-Paid Scopus Indexed Journals in Computer Science are discussed below . We make sure your manuscript is top-notch when it comes to language, structure, and overall presentation. It’ll have a clear abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Our writers will incorporate figures and tables to ensure your paper is clear and looks professional. | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | Acta Acustica | 10224793 | Computer Science |
2. | Acta Informatica Pragensia | Computer Science | |
3. | Acta Scientiarum – Technology | 18062563 | Computer Science |
4. | Advanced Biomedical Engineering | Computer Science | |
5. | Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences | Computer Science | |
6. | Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry | 11786949 | Computer Science |
7. | Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering | 15827445 | Computer Science |
8. | Advances in Human-Computer Interaction | 16875893 | Computer Science |
9. | Advances in Multimedia | 16875680 | Computer Science |
10. | Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal | Computer Science | |
11. | Advances in Soft Computing | 16153871 | Computer Science |
12. | Advances in Technology Innovation | 24150436 | Computer Science |
13. | AI Open | Computer Science | |
14. | AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering | Computer Science | |
15. | Algorithms | 19994893 | Computer Science |
16. | Algorithms for Molecular Biology | 17487188 | Computer Science |
17. | ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology | 09687769 | Computer Science |
18. | American, British and Canadian Studies | 18411487 | Computer Science |
19. | Animal Biotelemetry | Computer Science | |
20. | Annals of GIS | 19475683 | Computer Science |
21. | APL Photonics | Computer Science | |
22. | Applied Artificial Intelligence | 08839514 | Computer Science |
23. | Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing | 16879724 | Computer Science |
24. | Applied Computing and Geosciences | Computer Science | |
25. | Applied Computing and Informatics | 26341964 | Computer Science |
26. | Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences | Computer Science | |
27. | Applied Network Science | Computer Science | |
28. | Applied Sciences | 14545101 | Computer Science |
29. | Applied Sciences (Switzerland) | Computer Science | |
30. | Applied System Innovation | Computer Science | |
31. | APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing | Computer Science | |
32. | Array | Computer Science | |
33. | Artifact | 17493463 | Computer Science |
34. | Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture | Computer Science | |
35. | Artnodes | 16955951 | Computer Science |
36. | Australasian Journal of Information Systems | 14498618 | Computer Science |
37. | Automatika | 00051144 | Computer Science |
38. | Baghdad Science Journal | 20788665 | Computer Science |
39. | Baltic Journal of Modern Computing | 22558942 | Computer Science |
40. | Big Data and Cognitive Computing | Computer Science | |
41. | Big Data and Society | Computer Science | |
42. | Big Data Mining and Analytics | Computer Science | |
43. | Big Earth Data | 20964471 | Computer Science |
44. | BioData Mining | 17560381 | Computer Science |
45. | Bioinformatics and Biology Insights | 11779322 | Computer Science |
46. | BMC Bioinformatics | Computer Science | |
47. | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making | Computer Science | |
48. | BMJ Health and Care Informatics | Computer Science | |
49. | Body, Space and Technology | Computer Science | |
50. | Brain Informatics | 21984018 | Computer Science |
51. | Brazilian Journal of Operations and Production Management | 16798171 | Computer Science |
52. | Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences | 02397528 | Computer Science |
53. | Business Systems Research | Computer Science | |
54. | CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology | 24686557 | Computer Science |
55. | Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology | Computer Science | |
56. | Cell Reports Methods | Computer Science | |
57. | CLEI Eletronic Journal (CLEIej) | Computer Science | |
58. | Cogent Engineering | 23311916 | Computer Science |
59. | Cognitive Computation and Systems | Computer Science | |
60. | CommIT Journal | 19792484 | Computer Science |
61. | Complex and Intelligent Systems | 21994536 | Computer Science |
62. | Complexity | 10762787 | Computer Science |
63. | Computation | Computer Science | |
64. | Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal | Computer Science | |
65. | Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience | 16875265 | Computer Science |
66. | Computational Linguistics | 08912017 | Computer Science |
67. | Computational Visual Media | 20960433 | Computer Science |
68. | Computer Assisted Surgery | Computer Science | |
69. | Computer Optics | 01342452 | Computer Science |
70. | Computer Research and Modeling | 20767633 | Computer Science |
71. | Computer Science | 15082806 | Computer Science |
72. | Computer Science and Information Systems | 18200214 | Computer Science |
73. | Computers | Computer Science | |
74. | Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence | Computer Science | |
75. | Computers in Human Behavior Reports | Computer Science | |
76. | Connection Science | 09540091 | Computer Science |
77. | Cryptography | Computer Science | |
78. | Cybernetics and Information Technologies | 13119702 | Computer Science |
79. | Cybernetics and Physics | 22237038 | Computer Science |
80. | Cyberpsychology | 18027962 | Computer Science |
81. | Cybersecurity | 20964862 | Computer Science |
82. | Data | Computer Science | |
83. | Data Intelligence | 20967004 | Computer Science |
84. | Data Science and Engineering | 23641185 | Computer Science |
85. | Data Science and Management | Computer Science | |
86. | Data Science Journal | 16831470 | Computer Science |
87. | Database : the journal of biological databases and curation | 17580463 | Computer Science |
88. | Data-Centric Engineering | Computer Science | |
89. | Development Engineering | Computer Science | |
90. | Developments in the Built Environment | Computer Science | |
91. | Diagnostyka | 16416414 | Computer Science |
92. | Digital Biomarkers | Computer Science | |
93. | Digital Chinese Medicine | 2096479X | Computer Science |
94. | Digital Communications and Networks | 24685925 | Computer Science |
95. | Digital Geography and Society | Computer Science | |
96. | Digital Health | Computer Science | |
97. | Digital Studies/ Le Champ Numerique | Computer Science | |
98. | Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science | 13658050 | Computer Science |
99. | Drones | Computer Science | |
100. | EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems | Computer Science | |
101. | EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology | Computer Science | |
102. | EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems | Computer Science | |
103. | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | 17293774 | Computer Science |
104. | ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology | Computer Science | |
105. | Educar | 0211819X | Computer Science |
106. | Education in the Knowledge Society | Computer Science | |
107. | Education Sciences | Computer Science | |
108. | Egyptian Informatics Journal | 11108665 | Computer Science |
109. | E-Informatica Software Engineering Journal | 18977979 | Computer Science |
110. | eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government | Computer Science | |
111. | El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering | Computer Science | |
112. | Electronic Journal of Combinatorics | 10971440 | Computer Science |
113. | Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction | 18744753 | Computer Science |
114. | Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis | 15775097 | Computer Science |
115. | Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science | 15710661 | Computer Science |
116. | Electronics (Switzerland) | Computer Science | |
117. | Encontros Bibli | Computer Science | |
118. | Energy and AI | Computer Science | |
119. | Energy Informatics | Computer Science | |
120. | Engineering | 20958099 | Computer Science |
121. | Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics | 19942060 | Computer Science |
122. | Engineering Reports | Computer Science | |
123. | Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal | Computer Science | |
124. | EPJ Data Science | Computer Science | |
125. | ETRI Journal | 12256463 | Computer Science |
126. | Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing | 16876172 | Computer Science |
127. | Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing | 11108657 | Computer Science |
128. | Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing | 16875176 | Computer Science |
129. | Eurasip Journal on Information Security | 16874161 | Computer Science |
130. | Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking | 16871472 | Computer Science |
131. | European Journal of Hybrid Imaging | Computer Science | |
132. | Evolutionary Bioinformatics | 11769343 | Computer Science |
133. | Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences | 08676356 | Computer Science |
134. | Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence | Computer Science | |
135. | Frontiers in Big Data | Computer Science | |
136. | Frontiers in Computer Science | Computer Science | |
137. | Frontiers in Digital Health | Computer Science | |
138. | Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering | Computer Science | |
139. | Frontiers in Nanotechnology | Computer Science | |
140. | Frontiers in Neuroinformatics | 16625196 | Computer Science |
141. | Frontiers in Neurorobotics | 16625218 | Computer Science |
142. | Frontiers in Robotics and AI | Computer Science | |
143. | Future Internet | Computer Science | |
144. | Fuzzy Information and Engineering | 16168658 | Computer Science |
145. | Geomatics and Environmental Engineering | 18981135 | Computer Science |
146. | GI_Forum | Computer Science | |
147. | GigaScience | Computer Science | |
148. | Grafica | 23397500 | Computer Science |
149. | Heritage Science | Computer Science | |
150. | High-Confidence Computing | Computer Science | |
151. | HighTech and Innovation Journal | Computer Science | |
152. | Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies | Computer Science | |
153. | Human Technology | Computer Science | |
154. | IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems | Computer Science | |
155. | IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology | Computer Science | |
156. | ICT Express | Computer Science | |
157. | IEEE Access | 21693536 | Computer Science |
158. | IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits | Computer Science | |
159. | IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology | Computer Science | |
160. | IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing | Computer Science | |
161. | IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society | Computer Science | |
162. | IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering | Computer Science | |
163. | IET Biometrics | 20474938 | Computer Science |
164. | IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing | Computer Science | |
165. | IET Communications | 17518628 | Computer Science |
166. | IET Computer Vision | 17519632 | Computer Science |
167. | IET Computers and Digital Techniques | 17518601 | Computer Science |
168. | IET Control Theory and Applications | 17518644 | Computer Science |
169. | IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications | Computer Science | |
170. | IET Cyber-systems and Robotics | Computer Science | |
171. | IET Image Processing | 17519659 | Computer Science |
172. | IET Information Security | 17518709 | Computer Science |
173. | IET Networks | Computer Science | |
174. | IET Quantum Communication | Computer Science | |
175. | IET Signal Processing | 17519675 | Computer Science |
176. | IET Smart Cities | Computer Science | |
177. | IET Smart Grid | Computer Science | |
178. | IET Software | 17518806 | Computer Science |
179. | IIUM Engineering Journal | 1511788X | Computer Science |
180. | Image Analysis and Stereology | 15803139 | Computer Science |
181. | Image Processing On Line | Computer Science | |
182. | Informatics | Computer Science | |
183. | Informatics and Automation | 27133192 | Computer Science |
184. | Informatics in Education | 16485831 | Computer Science |
185. | Information (Switzerland) | 20782489 | Computer Science |
186. | Information Processing in Agriculture | Computer Science | |
187. | Information Technology and Control | 1392124X | Computer Science |
188. | Information Technology and Libraries | 07309295 | Computer Science |
189. | Infrastructures | Computer Science | |
190. | Inteligencia Artificial | 11373601 | Computer Science |
191. | Intelligence-Based Medicine | Computer Science | |
192. | Intelligent Medicine | 20969376 | Computer Science |
193. | Intelligent Systems with Applications | 26673053 | Computer Science |
194. | Interaction Design and Architecture(s) | 18269745 | Computer Science |
195. | International Biomechanics | Computer Science | |
196. | International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems | 17298806 | Computer Science |
197. | International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics | 24426571 | Computer Science |
198. | International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science | 1641876X | Computer Science |
199. | International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology | Computer Science | |
200. | International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering | Computer Science |
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