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Simulating an optimization algorithm is not an easy task; we must follow the proper format to accomplish this process. Incorporating a basic instance for one of the techniques, a common guide is proposed here for performing this task:

Common Measures for Simulating Optimization Algorithms

  1. Specify the Optimization Issue: The objective function and other limitations should be defined clearly.
  2. Execute the Algorithm: Especially for the preferred optimization technique, we need to script the MATLAB code.
  3. Set Parameters: For the algorithm, determine the preliminary assumptions and parameters.
  4. Execute the Algorithm: With the aid of pre-defined parameters, the algorithms must be implemented.
  5. Evaluate Outcome: We have to assess the functionality of the technique and the findings ought to be exhibited.

Instance: Simulating Gradient Descent

A simple simulation of gradient descent is offered below:

Step 1: Determine the Optimization Problem

As considering a basic quadratic equation like f(x)=(x−3)2f(x) = (x-3)^2f(x)=(x−3)2, let’s begin to reduce:

function y = objective_function(x)

y = (x – 3)^2;


Step 2: Execute the Gradient Descent Algorithm

function [x, fval, iter] = gradient_descent(alpha, tol, max_iter)

% alpha: Learning rate

% tol: Tolerance for convergence

% max_iter: Maximum number of iterations

% Initial guess

x = 0;

iter = 0;

grad = @(x) 2 * (x – 3); % Derivative of the objective function

while iter < max_iter

iter = iter + 1;

grad_val = grad(x);

% Update step

x_new = x – alpha * grad_val;

% Check for convergence

if abs(x_new – x) < tol



x = x_new;


fval = objective_function(x);


Step 3: Set Parameters

alpha = 0.1; % Learning rate

tol = 1e-6;  % Tolerance for convergence

max_iter = 1000; % Maximum number of iterations

Step 4: Execute the Algorithm

[x_opt, fval_opt, iterations] = gradient_descent(alpha, tol, max_iter);

% Display results

fprintf(‘Optimal x: %f\n’, x_opt);

fprintf(‘Optimal function value: %f\n’, fval_opt);

fprintf(‘Iterations: %d\n’, iterations);

Step 5: Evaluate Findings

Use MATLAB plotting functions to visualize the integration of the technique:

% Objective function

f = @(x) (x – 3)^2;

% Generate data for plotting

x_vals = linspace(-2, 8, 100);

y_vals = f(x_vals);

% Plot the function


plot(x_vals, y_vals, ‘LineWidth’, 2);

hold on;

% Plot the optimal point

plot(x_opt, fval_opt, ‘ro’, ‘MarkerSize’, 10, ‘MarkerFaceColor’, ‘r’);

title(‘Gradient Descent Optimization’);



legend(‘Objective Function’, ‘Optimal Point’);

grid on;

Sample code for another Algorithm: Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

To simulate a PSO technique, consider the following instance:

Step 1: Specify the Objective Function

function y = objective_function(x)

y = (x – 3)^2;


Step 2: Execute the PSO Algorithm

function [global_best, fval] = particle_swarm_optimization(num_particles, max_iter, w, c1, c2)

% num_particles: Number of particles

% max_iter: Maximum number of iterations

% w: Inertia weight

% c1: Cognitive coefficient

% c2: Social coefficient

% Initialize particles

particles = rand(num_particles, 1) * 10 – 5; % Random initialization between -5 and 5

velocities = zeros(num_particles, 1);

personal_best = particles;

personal_best_fval = arrayfun(@objective_function, particles);

[global_best_fval, idx] = min(personal_best_fval);

global_best = personal_best(idx);

% PSO main loop

for iter = 1:max_iter

for i = 1:num_particles

% Update velocity

r1 = rand();

r2 = rand();

velocities(i) = w * velocities(i) + c1 * r1 * (personal_best(i) – particles(i)) + c2 * r2 * (global_best – particles(i));

% Update position

particles(i) = particles(i) + velocities(i);

% Update personal best

fval = objective_function(particles(i));

if fval < personal_best_fval(i)

personal_best(i) = particles(i);

personal_best_fval(i) = fval;



% Update global best

[current_global_best_fval, idx] = min(personal_best_fval);

if current_global_best_fval < global_best_fval

global_best_fval = current_global_best_fval;

global_best = personal_best(idx);



fval = global_best_fval;


Step 3: Set Parameters

num_particles = 30;

max_iter = 100;

w = 0.5;

c1 = 1.5;

c2 = 1.5;

Step 4: Execute the Algorithm

[best_position, best_value] = particle_swarm_optimization(num_particles, max_iter, w, c1, c2);

% Display results

fprintf(‘Best position: %f\n’, best_position);

fprintf(‘Best value: %f\n’, best_value);

Step 5: Analyze Results

% Objective function

f = @(x) (x – 3)^2;

% Generate data for plotting

x_vals = linspace(-2, 8, 100);

y_vals = f(x_vals);

% Plot the function


plot(x_vals, y_vals, ‘LineWidth’, 2);

hold on;

% Plot the optimal point

plot(best_position, best_value, ‘ro’, ‘MarkerSize’, 10, ‘MarkerFaceColor’, ‘r’);

title(‘Particle Swarm Optimization’);



legend(‘Objective Function’, ‘Best Position’);

grid on;

Important 50 optimization algorithms list

Optimization algorithms are a collection of effective techniques that can be used for detecting the optimal solution for specific problems. Regarding the diverse areas like engineering, operations research and machine learning, a list of 50 significant optimization techniques are offered by us:

  1. Charged System Search (CSS)
  2. Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization (TLBO)
  3. Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm (QEA)
  4. Gradient Descent
  5. Nelder-Mead Method
  6. Conjugate Gradient Method
  7. Quasi-Newton Methods (e.g., BFGS)
  8. Mini-batch Gradient Descent
  9. Harmony Search (HS)
  10. Colliding Bodies Optimization (CBO)
  11. Soccer League Competition (SLC)
  12. League Championship Algorithm (LCA)
  13. Big Bang-Big Crunch Algorithm
  14. Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm (SFLA)
  15. Tree-Seed Algorithm (TSA)
  16. Firefly Algorithm
  17. Cultural Algorithm
  18. Sine Cosine Algorithm (SCA)
  19. Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm (GOA)
  20. Spotted Hyena Optimizer (SHO)
  21. Harris Hawks Optimization (HHO)
  22. Worm Optimization Algorithm
  23. Biogeography-Based Optimization (BBO)
  24. Artificial Bee Colony (ABC)
  25. Batch Gradient Descent
  26. Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm
  27. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
  28. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)
  29. Simulated Annealing
  30. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
  31. Elephant Herding Optimization (EHO)
  32. Tabu Search
  33. Harmony Search
  34. Eagle Strategy
  35. Jaya Algorithm
  36. Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA)
  37. Cuckoo Search
  38. Newton’s Method
  39. Differential Evolution (DE)
  40. Genetic Algorithms
  41. GWO
  42. Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA)
  43. Seagull Optimization Algorithm
  44. Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO)
  45. Crow Search Algorithm
  46. Dragonfly Algorithm
  47. Salp Swarm Algorithm
  48. Moth-Flame Optimization (MFO)
  49. Firefly Algorithm
  50. Bat Algorithm

A detailed guide of simulating optimization techniques with suitable and interpretable instances with MATLAB code and top most optimization techniques are provided in this article that are efficiently capable for solving complicated algorithmic problems

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